Important: All the Kaqun Studies have been made in Hungary at Governmental Institutes. These studies have not been made in the US.
2013 - 2015 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY, Budapest, Hungary: The effects of KAQUN-water on patients undergoing oncology treatment – a randomized study.
2012 - UNIVERSITAS DEBRECENIENSIS: Therapeutic effect by a mistletoe extract, Iscador and oxygen enriched water (Kaqun) on the development of experimental tumor (A2780, KB-3-1) growth in a scid mice model.
2012 - SOUTH BORSOD HEALTH CARE SOCIAL CLUSTER: Report about effects of Kaqun water on the speed of cognitive functions - Permit Number: IV-R-015-14-4/2012.
2011 - NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY - DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY: Study for the KAQUN’s effect for antioxydant capacity (TUKEB No.: 550/2011)2010 - NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY - DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY: Citotoxicity examination of Kaqun water in HepG2 cells /NICS/.
2010 - NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY - DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY: Report on the examination of KAQUN oxygen-rich water's role in reactive oxygen species generation in in vitro system /HAS/.
2009 - NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY - CITOGENETIC AND IMMUNOLOGIC DIVISION: The effect of KAQUN water on the immune parameters of healthy volunteers (TUKEB No.: 42/2009)2007 - SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY: The Psycho-physiological effects of the high OXYGEN content : : "KAQUN WATER” drinking cure and bath.
2004 - HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - INSTITUTE OF ISOTOPES: Examination of the effects of high oxygen content water on tumor cells.
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